As most of you know, Grace is quite the traveler...this past week was her 3rd plane ride to New York. She has been a great "flyer", but this trip was a lot easier on me because it was the first time Brooks was able to come with us. It was also the first time that our flight was on time! Grace was much more active on the plane now that she is 8 months old.
Opening and closing the window to see the clouds kept her busy for quite a while.
She also loved standing up and looking over the seats in front of us...good thing nobody was sitting there both ways. Grace smiled at everyone that looked at her and received lots of compliments on her good behavior.
Thursday, we spent the afternoon with my sister Kristen and the Reale family (my sister Jen, Dennis and their kids.) The Reales took us out on their boat while Grace stayed at home with her Nana...she had lots of kids to play with since her Nana has a daycare in her home.
Jake, Morgan and Allison
(Grace's Cousins)
On Friday, Grace enjoyed swimming in the pool with her cousins:
Friday night Brooks went fishing on the boat with Dennis and Jake ~ Jake caught the only fish!
On Saturday, we had a baptism celebration for Grace at my parent's house. Grace was baptized in SC so this gave those who couldn't make it a chance to celebrate her special day. Here a few pictures from the party:
Grace's new favorite face

Banana pudding was a hit!

Grace and her Nana

Great Grandpa Al

On Sunday we headed to Splish Splash water park. Grace spent most of the day in Kiddie Cove with Nana and Alli.
Sunday night Brooks and I went out to dinner with Jen & Dennis, Kristen & Steve and Mike & Danielle.
Monday night we went to Andrea's house where I was able to catch up with some friends from high school.

Grace had fun seeing her NY friends throughout the week. She even went to a Little Gym class with Gregory.