Grace has been talking up a storm lately, although we are not really sure what she is saying most of the time, it is fun to listen to her babble.
Her favorite word to say is "no" and she usually says it even when she means "yes." She hasn't learned to actually say "yes" yet, but she shakes her head "yes" all the time.
She says "dough" for "dog"...or anything that has four legs and walks. Grace is an animal lover, luckily mostly everyone in our family and all our friends own dogs that she can visit.
Her new word this past week was "ball" (which was Brooks' first word). She loves playing with her soccer ball, so we may have the next Mia Hamm on our hands.
She says, "Uh Oh" ever time something falls, which I just think is too cute!
Her favorite song to sing is the "Itsy Bitsy Spider." She will walk up to me and move her little hands like the spider to tell me she wants to hear it. Although after singing it 10 times a day for the past couple weeks, I think she may be getting sick of it.
She has recently started playing with her dolls. She loves to undress them and give them hugs and kisses. This picture was taken right before her bath - Grace loves to run around the house in her diaper for a little while before getting in the tub.