Placenta Previa
I had another ultrasound today to see if I still have placenta previa, and I do. I knew that this meant I would have to get another c-section, but didn't know that I would probably have to be on bed rest towards the end of my pregnancy. I'm a little nervous, but I know things could be a lot worse. I'm hoping everything continues to go as well as it has been in the meantime.
Dora Live!
We went to see Dora the Explorer LIVE tonight at the North Charleston Coliseum. We weren't sure if Grace was quite old enough for something like this, but she seemed to really enjoy it! During the first half of the show, she just sat and starred at the stage. After intermission, she started to get into it and began dancing in my lap and clapping. I've never seen her sit for that long, she loved the singing and dancing and was waving at all the characters. 

No cameras were allowed, but I snuck in my
little one to get a few shots before the show.
Grace loved looking around at all the kids during intermission.
Thanks for the tickets Nana & Papa.
Family Time
After Andrew's party, we headed to Mimi and Booker's house for a delicious dinner. On Sunday we went swimming and spent some time at Uncle Clark and Aunt Kelly's house. After swimming Grace discovered the playground and had fun trying out all the swings.
Testing out the Baby Swing
Trying Out the Big Girl Swing with Booker
As you can see, Grace likes to be independent these days.
When she doesn't want any help she says, "Grace, Grace
(which sounds more like Gray, Gray)."
That means, get away I want to do it by myself!
Cute Cousins
Playing fetch with Aunt "Lallie" and Jackson
Time for a nap after all the fun...
Happy Birthday Andrew!
We went to Andrew's party in Columbia on Saturday to celebrate his 2nd birthday. Grace had lots of fun playing with his friends and meeting all of his guests. I think she sat on just about every adults lap, our little girl loves a party and is definitely not shy!
Feeding the Ducks
We have two little ducks that always seem to be outside wandering around the lake around dinner time. As soon as Daddy gets home, Grace requests that he take her outside to see the ducks (duck, duck, duck!).
Today I gave Grace a piece of bread to feed the ducks, but as you can see she just couldn't resist!

Sorry ducks, Grace has recently discovered her love of bread...
Maybe next time she will share.
Our Little Swimmer
Since we have moved into the townhouse, we've been making lots of trips to the community pool. Grace just loves "swimming" around all by herself! She has no fear in the water and loves to jump and play, especially when there are other kids around.
Weekend in Columbia
We spent this past weekend visiting family and friends in Columbia.
Grace had fun playing outside and splashing around in the pool.
Measuring cups are a great alternative to pool toys...
Bye-Bye House
Well, it is official - we are no longer homeowners! Everything went well at the closing today and we are all moved into my parent's townhouse. We are waiting to hear if our offer for the short sale in Mt. Pleasant will be approved and continuing to house hunt in the meantime. Here are some pictures from our last visit to the house. We walked Grace around and had her say goodbye to each room... it was kind of sad. We have many great memories from this house, and look forward to making more family memories in our new home.

Key West
Brooks and I went to Key West for a wedding last week. A good friend of mine from NY had her destination wedding there. We were able to stay for three nights while my parents took care of Grace in SC.
It was a very relaxing and fun trip!
The Girls
Congratulations Jorge and Sally!
Beautiful Sunset
Brooks and I went snorkeling for the first time. The reef was beautiful!
We were both a little freaked out by the "sharks" below us,
but later found out they were just tarpon.
If you ever go to Key West be sure to visit Mallory Square at sunset.
Lots of interesting people to see...
Nobody tell Grace that her sister went on the trip,
but we left her at home...
Happy Birthday Nana
We celebrated my mom's birthday while they were visiting us. The kids had a great time making her gifts, and of course eating her cake.
We finally got a shot of all the grandkids for her on her birthday. This is the best we could do...
I think Nana really enjoyed her birthday (especially because she and my dad got to keep Grace for four days while Brooks and I went to Key West for a wedding).
Children's Museum
On Sunday we headed downtown to the Children's Museum (a favorite for the Reale kids). This is the first time Grace has been, other than once when she was an infant. The kids had a great time playing and exploring!
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