So I went to take Lily for her 15 month appointment today and when I go to the doctor's office, they said I didn't have an appointment (hate when that happens!). Looks like we are skipping that appointment and won't have updates on her stats until she is 18 months, oh well.
Lily is starting to talk a little more, she can say mama, dada, ball, milk, no, dog, baba, and loves to babble and pretend like she is involved in our conversations. She loves to dance, run, give high fives, and never likes to sit still. Lily loves to play peek-a-boo, hide and seek, ring around the rosie and sing wheels on the bus. She absolutely loves to be outside and wants to do everything her big sister Grace is doing. Her favorite foods are fries, grits, mac & cheese and peas. I think she is about to get some more teeth because she has been waking up some during the night (which is no fun when we have to get up for work). It is hard to remember life without Lily, she brings lots of smiles and joy to our lives!!