
Three Day Weekends...

are the BEST! 
On Saturday, we played outside and waited 
for Nana, Papa and Bailey to arrive.

Golf cart ride to the dock...

Love these sweet smiles!

Reading to Papa

On Sunday, we went downtown to check out the SEWE exhibits.
Thanks to Nana and Papa we had a date night with the LaFountains.

The girls have loved watching the Olympics, especially ice skating. They have been asking to go ice skating, and I have been warning them that it wasn't as easy as it looks. We gave it a try on Monday and they LOVED it! The "walkers" were very helpful, they skated for almost three hours with only a few short breaks!


Happy Valentine's Day

We went from warm weather on the weekend, to the icy cold and two unexpected days off from school! The girls and I had fun playing at the house and being lazy the first day, and then going bowling with friends on the second day. We are back to school tomorrow for Valentine's Day fun and then ready for a three day weekend! Just hoping we won't have to make up ALL these days missed...

My Love Bugs


Fort Moultrie

Sunday was beautiful, so we spent most of the day outside (without coats on!). I know anyone that reads this from NY is dreaming of warm weather, so come on down. It's always nice to get a day like this in the middle of winter...

The girls had a blast running around and exploring the fort.

Lily was very daring and loved leading the way...
"Come on follow me"

I had fun taking some pictures of my favorite subjects...

Picnic Time

Toes in the Sand!

Back where he proposed in 2004...
