
Lily's Nursery

Since we moved in the new house a few weeks before Lily was born, I haven't had much time to work on her nursery. My friend Stacey came and painted on Sunday while we were in Columbia. I was so excited to see her wonderful work when we came back home! When I showed the wall to Grace she said, "Now see Grace's room." Looks like Stacey will have to come back soon and paint another room!

Now that her room looks so cute, maybe she will actually sleep in it soon...

Check out www.sweetaspeas.com/ if you are interested in seeing more of Stacey's work.

1 comment:

Mike and Ashley Madden said...

I love the nursery. Is this David's wife? She seems very talented. Wish we lived closer to have her do something like that for us. What a great idea!!
Purple...what a pretty choice!!