The girls had a lot fun playing with all the kids at Nana'a daycare. It was fun for me too since she watches lots of my friend's children that I never get to see.
Lily and the Twins

Grace enjoying lunch with Lauren

They also had lots of fun with their cousins as usual...
In the tub with Alli

Swinging with Jake

Pull us Morgan

Morgan and Lily



We started potty training this week. Grace has sat on the potty lots of times at "school," but only actually peed in it once. I decided to wait until I was home with her this summer to potty train since she hasn't really shown an interest in using the potty. So far she is doing pretty well. She did pee pee on the potty four times!
Such a Big Girl

Nana and Lily

Grace and Papa

Luckily we all made it there and back with no problems. I called the airline a couple days before we left to see if there was anything I needed to do since Grace wouldn't be using her ticket to NY. They told me that if she didn't use it, her return flight would automatically be cancelled and I would have to buy her a one way ticket (for $540). After panicking, I quickly came up with a plan that Lily could be Grace on the way there and hoped it wouldn't be a problem to have a lap child on the way home. I think Brooks was a little nervous about this plan, but it worked perfectly!
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