
Ready for Some Football...

The girls are ready for the first game of the season. Thanks to Mimi and Booker they have new Carolina shirts and cute cheerleader dolls. Go Gamecocks!
Sweet Carolina Girl
I'm ready for the football season and some cooler weather. It has been nice to be able to take the girls outside to play after work without sweating. Today we took a walk over to the playground and they had a blast!

Swinging Sissy
Brooks should get the results from his MRI tomorrow. He is still in pain, but has been going to work and trying his best to help out when he can. It hasn't helped that Lily decided to wake me up every morning this week around 3:00 a.m. (I think it's her teething). I am REALLY ready for the three day weekend! Thanks to Booker for coming down and mowing the lawn today!! My parents will be here tomorrow, so more help is on the way...

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