The girls and I left for NY early in the morning on the 26th. We boarded the plane on time, but had to wait on the runway for an hour so they could de-ice the plane (since it was
snowing in Columbia!). We missed out connecting flight in Washington (I usually get a direct flight, but prices were crazy this year). When I went to the computer to check my rescheduled flight, it came up saying that I would be leaving on the 28th. I was sure this was wrong, but it wasn't! Waiting on the long line at customer service was quite the scene - Grace was whining, Lily was squirming and screaming because she wanted to get down and run around, and I was on the phone crying to my dad. Customer service was not much help, they weren't going to pay for a hotel and I couldn't get a flight back to Columbia until 9:30 that night. Luckily I have a dad that would do just about anything for his kids and he immediately hopped in the car and drove 5 hours to pick us up. Once I knew he was on the way to rescue us I was able to entertain the two girls and we even had a little fun at the airport - we found an area to play in and made some friends, went to lunch at Five Guys and ate lots of snacks.
We stayed in a hotel that night because the snow was really coming down. When we woke up the next morning and looked out the door, Grace asked me why all that sand was out there.

Later that day we played in the snow at my parent's house.
Grace got snow in her pants and wasn't a fan at first...

After putting on on those clothes she lasted
about 5 minutes playing in the snow.

Lily liked the standing in the snow and lasted about 10 minutes...

Nana and Lily

Lily and Allie

Lily did not like sitting in the snow...

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