My parent's took Grace back to NY for a few days. She just loves being part of the gang at Nana's daycare and spending time with family! The first day everyone left Lily seemed a little sad, she was asking where Grace was and looking around for everyone else. We went out to dinner that night with some friends and she got lots of extra attention. On Sunday I asked her if she wanted to see Grace and her response was, "no". I think she is getting a little too comfortable being the only child!
Me and My Lily

This little girl amazes me every day. She watches Grace use the potty all the time and has recently wanted to use it every time I take her diaper off. She has successfully put pee pee in the potty four times this week! I don't think she is quite ready to be potty trained, but this is a good start (I honestly think if I threw M&M's in the mix she would do it!).

We have had lots of fun giving Lily some special love this week! I arranged a play date with the twins in our neighborhood that are her same age. She had a blast playing with them at the aquarium and eating lunch at Chick-fil-a.
Wright and Lily

Trying to get a kiss!


Sweet Kate!

Lily and I leave for NY in the morning. I am hoping she will do great on the plane and love seeing Grace as much as I do when we arrive. Brooks will meet us there on Friday, we are excited about visiting with family and friends!
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