Happy St. Patty's Day

We celebrated at a neighbor's house on Saturday. The girls had so much fun running around with their neighbors and the weather was beautiful!

This is the first year Grace really got into celebrating this holiday. It all started when we arrived at school on Friday and a leprechaun has destroyed the classroom and used the toilet. All the kids were excited!! The leprechauns were in full force at my school also, lucky for me though the second graders are too tall and scary, so they stay far away from our classrooms. On Friday night we went down to a neighbor's house where the girls were making their very own leprechaun traps. Grace joined in on then fun and with some help created a great trap of her own. We came home that night and set it out in front of the fireplace. Being unexperienced in catching leprechauns we figured this was a good spot (I mean if Santa Clause come down the chimney, why not leprechauns). We set out a piece of gold chocolate that we found in the fridge and thought it would trick him into going in our trap. The next morning Grace couldn't wait to go downstairs and check her trap. I'm not sure what she planned to do with the little guy if we actually had caught one, but she was a little disappointed when nothing was in it. The leprechaun did get into some mischief and left behind some dust and even used our potty. Maybe now that we are a little more experienced we will have better luck next year, we really could use a pot of gold!

On Sunday we headed to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Taylor's birthday! 5 years ago this little girl barely weighed three pounds, look at her know...

Lilly loves playing pretend and dress up these days. I often have to call her Elizabeth or Allie and she calls me Miss Heather or Aunt Jen. One day I asked her what my name was and she answered "Super Mom," love this kid! Here she is all dressed up - we decided she was a princess dora butterfly ballerina in Hawaii.