
Fall Favorites

We have been having lots of fun this fall! Grace and I were reading some books about Fall/Halloween one day and lots of the characters were bobbing for apples. Although I think I would be completely grossed out if my kids did this activity with lots of germy kids, they had a blast trying it out at home!

We celebrated Lily's birthday at school with her friends.

Daddy carved a Minnie Mouse pumpkin for the girls. 
They had fun taking out the seeds and cooking them.

We ran the fourth annual Run for Rina. Lily is a very serious runner! Although she didn't make it all the way, she seems to really love running (crossing my fingers that I will have a running buddy one day).
For more information about this great cause, go to www.rinafoundation.org

We've spent some time at the park....

Our girls @ 5 and 4 year old...

We had fun a Trunk or Treat!

We are ready for trick-or-treating tomorrow (and so are the babies)!

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