

This year Grace took two dance classes (tap/ballet and jazz) and Lily took one (tap/ballet). Both of the girls were invited to join a trial competition jazz class a few months ago. Grace was all about it, Lily said no thanks. Grace participated in her first dance competition last month and had lots of fun. She has really gained SO MUCH confidence on stage this year! She is all smiles and has lots of fun up there. She was so proud that she could do the dance without having to look at a teacher to remember the steps. She has decided not to continue with competition dance because it would take up too much time and she wants to play soccer and maybe do cheer or gymnastics (I am really hoping she finds her thing soon, but I'm thinking it may take a while!). Lily might do dance again and is definitely sticking with gymnastics.

Boogie Fever 
Dance Competition Day

Some pictures of my sweet girls before the recital...

So proud of them both!!

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