
Lily (8 months) & Grace (2 1/2)

I am really enjoying all the time I get to spend with my two sweet girls this summer. They are growing and changing way too fast!
Lily is crawling and getting into everything! If she sees something she wants, she doesn't give up until she gets it. She usually goes for things she shouldn't play with (pine cones, spoons and hair brushes seem to be her favorite). Lily also likes to play with lots of Grace's favorite toys. I've taught Grace how to gently take back her toy while handing Lily one of her own (this works most of the time...).
Lily is also pulling up on things and Grace just loves to see her little sister stand up (she thinks it is so funny!). She also cut her first tooth a few nights ago (tried to get a picture, but it was unsuccessful). She's been waking up at night because of the teething, but still naps pretty good during the day.

Grace is pretty much potty trained now (we are still working on #2 in the potty). She loves to wear underwear and of course get an M&M for being successful. She loves to play with baby dolls, sing songs, and pretend. I'm so proud of her for being such a great big sister!
Thanks again Mary for the adorable tutu!


Roomates Reunion

This weekend we went to Camden to visit with my college roomates (and after college roomies). Ang and Ger live on a beautiful piece of property and we had a great time hanging out at their home. It was fun to catch up with everyone and see the kids interact with each other. Although hanging out was much different than the college days, we had a wonderful time! Piper and Grace had lots of fun running in the sprinklers, eating boiled peanuts, blowing bubbles, playing with Play-doh and being silly together. Piper did such a great job sharing all her toys!
They were so sweet laying on the coach and
watching Dora together before bedtime.

I think I won Jackson over with my brownies...

Boone just loved Lily and even shared his two favorite toys with her.

Daddy and Grace on the way to feed the fish.
Thanks again to the Hitch family for hosting the weekend.


A Few More Vacation Pictures

I really did take over 500 pictures while we were on vacation (and that was after deleting some), so it has been hard to decide which ones to post.

~Sisters are Special~

The Girls

Nature Shot

To and from the beach at least twice a day...

Watch out for the stingray!
Now you see him...

Now you don't!


Lily at Sunset Beach

Lily really loved the beach and splashing in the water. She would just squeel and smile when we brought her up to the ocean. She officially started crawling when we were there and even crawled in the sand. She had so much fun riding around in the wagon and getting held by everyone. She especially loved all the hugs her cousin Elizabeth gave her!

I am officially on the move!

Mommy and Lily

Daddy and Lily

Grace at Sunset Beach

Grace had lots fun on our family vacation. She loved sleeping in the same room with us and Lily, it was really sweet. She had fun building sand castles, playing in the tide pools, looking for shells, and running on the beach with her cousin Elizabeth. She loves to be around lots of people and continues to do the fist bump explosion that she learned from James.

Daddy and Grace

Mommy and Grace

Cousin Photo Shoot

I found these cute dresses for the girls and we tortured them a little more with this quick photo shoot. I had to bribe Grace a little bit (a little chocolate never hurt anyone, right?) because she really wasn't in the mood for pictures. I think they turned out really cute!




Hamming it Up!