I am really enjoying all the time I get to spend with my two sweet girls this summer. They are growing and changing way too fast!
Lily is crawling and getting into everything! If she sees something she wants, she doesn't give up until she gets it. She usually goes for things she shouldn't play with (pine cones, spoons and hair brushes seem to be her favorite). Lily also likes to play with lots of Grace's favorite toys. I've taught Grace how to gently take back her toy while handing Lily one of her own (this works most of the time...).
Lily is also pulling up on things and Grace just loves to see her little sister stand up (she thinks it is so funny!). She also cut her first tooth a few nights ago (tried to get a picture, but it was unsuccessful). She's been waking up at night because of the teething, but still naps pretty good during the day.