My parents celebrated their 40th anniversary this month. They wanted to celebrate by spending a day/night in the city (and as crazy as it seems wanted to bring us and the kids along too!). I just love going in the city during Christmas time and seeing all the traditional sights, I know Brooks would have loved this too and was sad that he had to miss out because of work. Here are some pics from our adventure into NYC.
Stopping for a snack - big pretzels are my absolute favorite!

We went to the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. I was a little nervous about how Lily would do (you know with the screaming thing and all), but she did great! Before the show she let out a scream and the older couple in front of me immediately turned around. I assured them that if she did it during the show I would escort her out. As soon as the music and dancing began she started bouncing around in my lap and was just so happy. I took her out for a couple short breaks, but was able to sit and watch almost the whole show. I have to say I was impressed with her especially because the show was at 3:30 and she hadn't napped at all that day!

Gracie loved the show too, especiall
seeing Santa and the the Rockettes dancing.

After the show we took a walk to see the Christmas tree and ice skaters at Rockafella Center. The girls took turns in the stroller because the double stroller I had was just not going to work with all those people and snow...

Nana and Lily

Lily loves her Aunt TaTa

We even got to see Elmo in the city! After wondering why we kept seeing random characters walking around the city (which Grace was not too excited about), Elmo held out his money bag to collect some cash after his visit with Lily...

From there it was out to dinner to celebrate! Grace fell asleep before we made it to the restaurant and slept through the entire dinner. Lily did a great job and allowed me to eat my whole meal - the food was delicious too!
Happy Anniversary

After dinner we walked through time square. Lily was loving all the people and lights, I think she is our city girl! After a long day and no nap (and being on her best behavior!) she finally gave in and fell asleep in my arms a few minutes after taking this picture...

The next morning we took a
walk to FAO Shwartz and the kids had a blast.
Grace really enjoyed dancing and
running around on the piano with her cousins!

Lily loved running and around and exploring the store. Too bad this elephant was hundreds of dollars, lucky for me she settled for a ball instead.

Thanks again mom and dad for fun times
and memories that will last forever!