Is Lily really almost ONE? I just can't believe how fast this year has gone by. Lily is just so sweet, I love watching her and Grace interact and bond. The other day Grace told me that Lily was her best friend, brought tears to my eyes.
Lily is standing up on her own these days, but hasn't taken that first step yet. She LOVES to clap her hands and act silly. She also likes to hit (all of us), which we are working on - at least we can't take it personal. She enjoys playing in our playroom where she can roam around and get into everything. Lily loves to be outside and has recently found her love for fries, good thing we don't eat out much. She also really loves yogurt and rice rusks.
These past two weeks have been pretty rough for her. She had a virus two weeks ago which caused her to have a pretty high fever, then last week her two front teeth came through. Now she has thrush, an ear infection and her asthma has been acting up which is causing her to cough - poor thing!

Grace is just so funny at this age. She wears flip flips to bed just about every night, I have definitely learned to pick my battles these days. When she uses the potty, she asks for her "privacy" (funny how I never get any though). After not giving daddy "privacy" one day, she tried to stand up to use the potty.
Grace really wants to learn to read, the other day she was looking at a book and asked "How you do it?" I just love listening to her look at the pictures in a book and make up the story, priceless! She knows how to spell her name and is beginning to learn her letters.
Grace is turning into quite the drama queen! She fell the other day and barely skinned her knees, which turned into 20 minutes of tears and lots of band-aids. She still insists that her boo boo hurts, notice the two on her knees below...