
Christmas with the Rogers

We went to Columbia on Christmas Eve to celebrate with the Rogers. We went to Church on Christmas Eve and Lily showed off her new found love for screaming (hopefully she will grow out of this stage soon!).
Making cookies for Santa with the girls.
Reading Christmas stories with Mimi.
Tickle Time
I surprised Brooks with an I Pad, I'm pretty sure he loves it!
We carried on with the tradition of doing a gift card/gag gift exchange. Booker was the facilitator this year and wore the traditional hat (and one of the gag gifts).
Lily enjoying one of the fries that Santa brought for Elizabeth.
Grace loved her dopey doll (and baby doll and trains, etc...)
Lily loves her new chair from Mimi and Booker
and the big red ball Santa brought her.
All the girls loved their stools from the Dukes.
Lily and Mimi
Family Photo


Merry Christmas! (Almost)

We are getting very excited around here about Christmas morning! Grace has recently added a train to her Christmas list (and now I will try to avoid anyone who will ask her what she wants for Christmas) and is asking lots of questions about how and when Santa will be arriving. We will be celebrating Christmas in Columbia with the Rogers and then the girls and I are flying to NY on the 26th. I have to admit that I am very nervous for the first time flying with the girls. I think that is because #1 - Lily has recently decided that she will scream at the top of her lungs if she doesn't get something that she wants, #2 - This is the first time I will have a connecting flight. and #3- If Grace needs to use the potty on the plane, I'm not quite sure what I will do with Lily?? Have a wonderful Christmas and wish me luck...

Here are some Christmas pictures of the girls (mostly of Lily since Grace really isn't a fan of pictures these days)...

She looks like such a little lady here...
How could you not love that face? (hopefully people will
just think she's too cute to get mad at if she screams on the plans!)


Festival of Lights

This is usually what happens when I try to get a picture of the two of them these days...
Daddy's Girls...
Look at that lip!
We met Brooks at James Island County Park to go the Festival of Lights last night. The girls loved seeing all the lights as we drove around the park. Grace finally got to see Mrs. Claus (who she has been asking about ever since our visit to Santa), but she wouldn't sit on her lap for a picture, go figure.The train ride around the park was the highlight of the night, especially because there was no long wait this year!

Chuga-Chuga Choo Choo...

Lily's first carousel ride.


So Literal...

So last night I went out to dinner with some friends. Grace is never too happy about mommy leaving, so I usually try to talk to her and explain what will happen. I was telling her that I was going to go out to dinner with some adults (she said she could come when she gets bigger) and that Benjamin's mom, Ms. Rhonda was going to pick me up. She thought about it for a minute and then looked at me and said, "Mommy, is Ms. Rhonda gonna hold you?" At first I didn't understand why she was asking me that, then I realized that I told her that she was going to "pick me up." Too Cute!!


Dear Santa,

Grace and Lily have been very good this year! I was completely shocked that Grace agreed to sit on Santa's lap. We decided to stop and see him after school one day to tell him that she wanted a baby doll (along with the Dopey stuffed animal she requested earlier in the year). She sat right on his lap and chatted with him for a while since no other kids were in line that day. He asked her if she had an elf on the shelf and she looked pretty surprised that he knew about it. Lily wasn't quite sure about him and didn't want much to do with him after the picture. We decided that she wants a ball this year, since this is her favorite word (which sounds like buh) to say.

Our Gingerbread House

Sweet Sisters (most of the time)


Random Pics...

that I never posted.
Our Christmas break has officially started and I am feeling so lucky that I will get to spend the next two weeks with my girls! Today we went to a Christmas play at the library and have a fun week ahead of us. Grace is getting excited about Christmas so are we! Lily is felling better and I am hoping that everyone will be healthy for Christmas and our trip to New York.

Rain Rain Go Away!


Grace's Birthday Party

Grace was just so excited about her birthday party this year. She talked nonstop about it on the way there and was very excited to see all her friends. We had it at the Children's Museum which was lots of fun for the kids and easy for me! I think she was a little overwhelmed with everyone there at the same time, but she had a blast!!

Thanks to everyone that helped us celebrate with Grace!
We love our three year old...
It was great to have Aunt Kelly, Uncle Clark and Elizabeth here on Friday and Saturday. Lily especially loved all the attention since she wasn't feeling well.
Booker and Mimi spent Saturday and Sunday with us, so more extra special attention and fun for the girls! Poor Lily ended up having an ear infection when we took her to the doctor on Monday, hopefully everyone will be healthy for the holidays!

Birthday Girl!