
Happy Memorial Day Weekend

We had such a fun three day weekend - beach, pool, barbecues, fashion shows, dance parties!!!
We started off the weekend with a day at Sullivan's Island, it was well worth the traffic if you ask me. We had a chance to catch up with lots of friends and see their kiddos, it was a fun beach day! Nathan and his daughter Neyland (6) spent the weekend with us. The girls just loved playing with her and all three of them slept in the same bed both nights (wish I would have gotten a picture of that). Lily was so proud of herself - she woke up the next day and said, "I did it, I had a sleepover!" On Sunday we had a great day at the pool with lots of friends. That night we had a newborn, four three year olds, a five and six year old and of course lots of the alley girls over. I really wish we would have video taped the fashion show because it was just too cute, each little girl got so excited when we clapped for them!
I have gotten very lazy about using my big camera ever since I got a new phone, I'm hoping the summer will inspire me. Here are some pictures from our weekend, I definitely didn't capture all the fun ...

My Patriotic Girls

 Ready for the Beach!

Lily - Neyland - Grace

Lovin Life

Mud Bath

Hugs in the Pool

Super Dad


Tomorrow we will celebrate our 8th anniversary! 


Loving this Weather...

We spent a lot time outside over the weekend enjoying the beautiful weather (I know the humidity will be here soon). Lily and I ran the annual one mile Turtle Trot at my school on Saturday. Our strategy was run/piggy back ride/run /piggy back ride...  and we made it the whole mile without walking. She was so proud when she received a ribbon as she crossed the finish line! Grace did not want anything to do with running in a race, maybe Lil will be my running buddy one day...

We also spent lots of time at the pool, they just love it!

On Sunday we met Kevin and Christina for brunch at Shem Creek (I do have a picture of Kevin wearing Grace's magnetic earring, but I thought I would spare him). So great to see them both!

Having fun at Dog and Duck.
Love restaurants that have jump castles!

Worn out on Sunday night!

Swim team started on Monday, summer is almost here!!!


May Fun

May is flying by and the school year is wrapping up. Lots of things going on, but the end is in sight. A few weeks ago I registered my baby for kindergarten, can you believe that? She is growing up way too fast and I wish I could freeze time!! I'm thankful that I was able to get a job at our neighborhood school and that she will come to work with me, but I think I may need some tissues at the preschool graduation! The other day we went to the library and checked out a bunch of books. She opened Go, Dog. Go!  and read the whole thing, I was super proud! this girl is ready for kindergarten...

A few random pictures from this month...

The girls had a blast dancing at 
The Blessing of the Fleet.

Making the Most of Rainy Days...

Face Painting at Chick-Fil-A!

Queen of the Court...
(Hoping she is as good as her daddy one day.)

Some cute Lily Talk as a three year old:

The other day she asked me if I could "vacuum" her hair. I was glad she made the connection between the sounds seeing that we should vacuum a lot more than we actually do around here!

The straps on her tank tops are called "handles." 

She calls bare feet "baby feet."


Happy Mother's Day

Feeling so lucky to be the mom of these 
two fun, smart and beautiful girls! 
We spent the day on the beach, our favorite place to be as a family...

The girls brought home lots of sweet cards and treats from school...

I love you mom and appreciate all that you do. Thanks for always being so patient, generous and kind!
The girls are so lucky to have a Mimi and a Nana that love them to pieces and lots of aunts that adore  them. I hope all the mothers that actually find time in their busy lives to read this little blog had a wonderful and relaxing day!