
New York Visit

We had lots of fun visiting with family and friends in NY. The girls are finally at an age where flying is easy (no strollers or anything). On both flights we sat across from babies that we helped entertain, I remember really appreciating those people that were willing to help and was glad we were able to! We didn't make it into the city this year, but had lots of fun jumping on huge trampolines, seeing a Madeline play and just playing with cousins and friends!! 

Lily loving on Jake...

Allison and James

Dance Party

Morgan, Nana and James

Lily and Nana

Look at those smiles!

Me and my godson...

Maddie and Lily

They loved this place!

All the cousins at lunch (-baby Zachary)...

Ready for the show!

Karaoke with Lauren

Aunt TaTa and Lil


We had such a fun time in NY and can't wait to see everyone again this summer!!!

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