
Dance Recital Success

The girls did such a great job at their dance recital last week! They have really enjoyed taking ballet and tap this year. They were in the same class for a while, until it got too big and they had to split the ages. This year they performed ballet and tap in the recital, I just loved seeing their smiling faces on that stage. Thanks to Nana and Booker for going early to get us front row seats! They both loved being able to look out at the audience and see all their fans watching them!

My Little Ballerina

Too Much!

Ready to Dance!

Thanks Nana for making the trip to come 
see us dance, it really meant a lot!

Thanks for being there to 
watch us dance Mimi and Booker! 
These girls are so lucky to have such dedicated fans...
We have it on video tape, so if you plan on visiting you just might have to watch it.

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